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L-R: Shailesh Solanki, Executive Editor, Pharmacy Business; Stephen Kinnock MP, Minister of State, Dept of Health & Social Care; Amerjit Singh, Sharoe Green

Pharmacy; Sonny Bassi, Head of Key Accounts, Alliance Healthcare; Kalpesh Solanki, Group Managing Editor, Pharmacy; Rory Bremner. Image © Asian Media Group.




Alliance Healthcare, proud sponsor of the

Pharmacy Business Enterprise Award, is

delighted to congratulate this year’s winner.

Amerjit Singh has been an enterprising pharmacist

for more than 25 years. He has set up a learning and

training business to provide individuals with the skills

and confi dence to succeed in a career in pharmacy

through employing apprentices in his pharmacy.

This has seen dispensing times reduced and much

improved patient care. His model is proving successful

across NHS Trusts and community pharmacy.

Alliance Healthcare works in partnership with

independent pharmacy to navigate the changing

healthcare market, supporting growth and providing

top-quality healthcare services to make a difference

in patients’ lives.

To fi nd out more about how we can support you

and your business, please call 020 8391 2323.

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